A corporate web page is a type of web that is used with the objective of informing users, visitors or clients about all the information related to a company.
The objective of a corporate website is not to sell online, but to have a presence on the Internet on its own platform that serves as a good letter of introduction. You decide what is said about you and your company in search engines like Google, not depending on third parties.
In addition, corporate websites should be part of the essence of the company. That is, use the corporate colors of the company, its style guides, typography, own images, adapt the contents of the web, and so on.
A corporate website has become almost an indispensable requirement for any type of business.
In other words, we can say that a corporate website is the representative of a brand or company on the Internet. And, therefore, it must be designed strategically.
The main objective of a corporate website is to represent a company or a brand on the Internet in order to generate credibility and gain the trust of those who visit it. It fulfills two main functions:
- Informs about the company: Many people who come to the web probably do not even know you, so you have to include as much regular information as you think necessary. How many years have you been in the industry? Do you operate internationally? How many people form your team? How can they contact you? Show professionalism and take good care of the content you publish, both text and images. Show the personality of your small business, use large and good quality pictures and show the added value that your business offers.
- Interact with your users (lead generation): In addition to having an informative character, your page should give visitors the opportunity to contact you or receive feedback. A contact form or adding links to your social media profiles is almost essential.
I could give you a thousand reasons: because your competition already has its own website, because nowadays we search for anything on Google, because you will make your business open 24 hours a day, because it expands borders, because it improves your visibility, because you generate credibility, because it will make you get new customers… Do you want me to continue?
Although more and more people are betting on taking their business to the online world, even in traditional sectors such as psychology, there is still a large number of owners of some SMEs or self-employed who do not have their own website.
Put yourself in the situation.A user types your company name into Google, do you want the first result to be Yellow Pages or any other business directory?No, don’t you?
Any serious company should have a corporate website that allows it to reach its customers in the online world.
If you are thinking of creating a corporate web page, you must take into account some of the sections or elements that cannot be missing. This way, you will be able to show all the information and the essence of your company.
Keep in mind that this is not a blog or an online store, so you should consider including the following sections:
- History of the company: Prepare a short summary of how your company was born using a direct, close and friendly language. Leave aside the more technical or business terms, write with your customers in mind and try to create an emotional bond. How the name of the company was born, when it was born, etcetera.
- Mission, vision and values: Define what your company does, what is its reason for being, how it does it and where you want to go with it.
Who we are: Dedicate a page of your website to talk about your team, this will allow you to get closer to your customers. Talking a little about each employee that makes up your company will humanize your brand a little more and your visitors will appreciate it. Knowing the team behind an organization generates trust and shows a much more credible image. - Products or services: Another essential page on your website: What do you do? What are your company’s products? What makes you different from your competitors? It is important that in this section you include keywords related to your sector so that your customers can find you more easily. Do not forget to include real images of your business or your services, since stock images can generate some mistrust if you are far away from the reality,
- Portfolio: Including a section with projects of all kinds that your company has carried out is vital to generate good expectations in your customers and give more security and confidence to potential customers.
- Contact: Adding a contact section on your website will allow your clients to contact you easily. Think that many times we simply access the website of a company to see in which street their office is located or because we need to call them by phone to clarify any doubt. So, add your contact information and do not forget to include a corporate email account such as info@tudominio.com or hola@tudominio.com. A contact form will also make it much easier for your visitors (they don’t even need to leave the page to send their query) and it is also a good way to generate leads. Another option is to include links to the company’s social network profiles.